Warrior Spirit in Zeami's Noh Plays

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Winai Jamornsuriya


This research aims at studying strategies for creating warrior characters and studying the elements of attaining the enlightenment of warrior spirits in the seven of Zeami’s Noh plays: Atsumori, Kiyotsune, Sanemori, Tadanori, Michimori, Yashima, Yorimasa. The research found that Zeami created two characteristics that are conducive to attaining enlightenment for most warriors: being sympathetic (7 plays), and having faith in Buddhist teachings on chanting and reading the sutras (5 out of 7 plays).  Additionally, in addition to chanting or reading the sutras, most warrior spirits require two other elements to attain enlightenment: the warrior himself has to have a desire for enlightenment (6 out of 7 plays), and other characters promote the attaining of enlightenment (6 out of 7 plays).

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