Students’ Opinions toward the Use of News Clips from a Japanese News YouTube Channel in Consecutive Interpreting Practice from Japanese into Thai

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Narongsak Pitchayapisut


The objective of this research was to survey Thai undergraduate students' opinions toward the use of news clips in consecutive interpreting practice, the appropriateness and expectations of the method and procedures of practicing as well as their opinions toward problems during consecutive interpreting practice into Thai. Results revealed that: 1. Students had a positive attitude toward the use of news clips to practice consecutive interpreting into Thai. Students strongly agreed that using news clips would help them learn new vocabulary and that using news clips in interpreting practice is a difficult challenge. 2. Overall, students had a positive attitude toward the method and procedures that the instructor used. Students strongly agreed with the use of news clips in which the news anchors and reporters speak at the native Japanese speaking speed and with the way the instructor allowed students to see a list of difficult or specific terms, or proper nouns during practicing. Also, students strongly agreed with the use of audio clips instead of video clips because watching videos distract them from listening and note-taking. In terms of their expectations, students highly expected that the instructor would provide quick responses for difficult or specific terms, or proper nouns before the practice. 3. Regarding the problems during practicing, students strongly agreed that there were two problems, one being able to understand the content but having a difficulty memorizing the content and the other being able to understand and memorize the content but unable to come up with appropriate translation in time.

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