Dissension Between Brother Warriors in Japanese War Tales: A Case Study of The Tale of Hōgen, The Tale of Heike, and Taiheiki

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Kanapat Ruenpirom


This research aims to examine how the reasons for and resolutions of dissension between brother warriors are presented in three Japanese war tales—The Tale of Hōgen, The Tale of Heike, and Taiheiki—and to analyze how the dissension affects the future of each clan. According to the results, the causes of the dissension between brother warriors appear to shift from internal factors caused by the brothers' behaviors to external factors, including social influence from the royal court and clan warriors. Despite conflicts between the brothers, the authors typically portray one of them as willing to reconcile and resolve disagreements. In addition, the authors tend to present the dissension between the brothers as a sign of the clan’s loss of power, implying that a leader that can settle dissension has the ability to bring prosperity to the clan and provide stability for its warriors.

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