The Effectiveness of a Digital Storytelling Teaching Package for Memorizing Kanji Characters: A Case Study of Grade 10 Students
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This quantitative research aimed to compare the effectiveness of two instructional methods regarding the retention of Kanji characters among grade 10 students. The study focused on two groups: an experimental group that received instruction through a digital storytelling teaching package, and a control group that engaged in a repetitive writing practice teaching package. The sample consisted of 150 grade 10 students from academic year 2022, divided equally into two groups of 75 students. All of the participants were majoring in Japanese language and had no prior experience with Kanji characters. The research employed various instruments for data collection, including a digital media storytelling teaching package, a repetitive writing practice teaching package, a pretest, and two posttests (administered immediately after the intervention and two weeks later). Data analysis was conducted using the t-test at a significance level of .05.
The results indicated a statistically significant difference in Kanji character retention between the experimental and control groups, with the experimental group demonstrating superior learning outcomes. Furthermore, when comparing the immediate posttest scores with the scores obtained two weeks later, no significant difference was observed within the experimental group (t = -.363, df = 74, p = 0.718). In contrast, the control group showed a statistically significant difference between the immediate post-test scores and the scores obtained two weeks later, at the .05 significance level (t = -2.594, df = 74, p = 0.011). These findings suggest that the digital storytelling teaching package effectively enhances the retention of Kanji characters. The use of storytelling appears to engage students by making the learning process more enjoyable, thereby increasing their focus and awareness. The narrative elements of the Kanji characters stimulated students' imagination, while the inclusion of animations and narration further reinforced their ability to memorize and recall the meanings of the characters.
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