A Study of the Female and Male Characters in Takenokidoby Kunikida Doppo

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Piyanuch Wiriyaenawat


This research aims to study the female and male characters portrayed in Takenokido (1908) by   Kunikida Doppo (1871-1908). Analyzing the female characters, despite their different status, reveal elements in common. That is, they all concern about the living expenses and taking a leading role in solving the problems in their families. On the other hand, the malecharacters, who appear to be the head of the family, tend to neglect or remain silent and cannot cope with the problems in their families. This apparently differs from the male characters portrayed in works by other writers in the same period, which mostly focus on the male characters only. It can also be seen that the male characters in Doppo’s works are different from the image of the atriarchal system (家父長制) during the Meiji Period, when the men hold the authority in the family. It can be summarized then that this creation of the male characters is unique in Doppo’s works.

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Author Biography

Piyanuch Wiriyaenawat, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University

Japanese Department, Facullty of Liberal Arts


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