The Changes in the Status of Women in Japanese History from the Ancient Period to the Edo Period

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Benjang Jaisai der Arslanian


This article is an attempt to explain the changes in the status of women in Japanese history according to the changes in history. The results demonstrate the fact that the status of Japanese women has varied and has changed according to the changes in society, especially in terms of Buddhism, politics, their assets. Even though Japanese women in the past have been affected by   the changes in society, they have shown their roles and status outstandingly in terms of participating in and protecting their families, as can be seen in the example of Kokubo or the position of the    mother of emperors during the Heian period, or the roles of women in the Middle Ages who bravely fought together with the Samurai. This article also explains the variety of roles and the status of Japanese women which would not appear in Japan History book in Thailand. This article is part of research on Japanese women’s history from the Ancient period to the Edo period, which will hopefully be helpful for the study of Japanese history in the future.

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Author Biography

Benjang Jaisai der Arslanian, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University

Assistant Professor

Japanese Division


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