Anxiety about Independence of Japanese Women and “Pseudo-Family” Relationship: An Analysis of the Film “Nonchan Noriben”

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Saranya Kongjit
Masayuki Nishida


“Nonchan Noriben” is being screened in manyseminars to encourage the exchange of opinions on female problems in Japanese society. This paper elucidates the problems and sufferings of middle-aged single mothers in the 21st century by studying the characteristics and human relationships of the heroine Komaki and by examining the role of “pseudo-family” relationships as one of the solutions to the problem of the “incomplete family” in Japanese society. This study found that Komaki is portrayed as a woman that strongly follows her will. Even though Japanese single mothers in reality face various difficulties with laws, income, and public disgrace, Komaki is not concerned.  She was supported by friends, who play membership roles as in a traditional family. However, because the tie of the “pseudo-family” is more fragile than a real one, the anxiety concerning whether this kind of relationship can solve the problems in Japanese society still exists.

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