Japan's Policy and the Implementation of Global human resource development: the Case of the SEND Program

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Siriwan Munintarawong


The world has entered the 21st century, an era defined by information technology and global competition. The global megatrend is intensifying business competition. As trade and investment are turning to the Asia-Pacific region for new opportunities, qualified personnel with global perspectives are increasingly sought after by employers from any country. Recognizing such ongoing developments, Japan, through education reform, has placed increasing emphasis on developing quality personnel that can meet the world’s emerging challenges by internationalizing its university-level education, focusing on cooperation with leading foreign institutions—particularly those in ASEAN countries—and welcoming talented foreign students to Japan while encouraging its students to study overseas at these leading foreign institutions. This study seeks to shed light on Japan’s strategy, which builds upon its education policy, to develop leading global human resources, with the SEND Program serving as the focal case of the study. It aims to present those concerned both in Thailand and Japan with knowledge that can be applied to further formulate their respective human resource development policies. This article is structured in the following order: (a) an overall review on Japan's policy and implementation of Global human resource development, which strategically dispatches its students overseas while selectively targeting inbound foreign students; (b) performance assessment of projects initiated under such policy, with the SEND PROGRAM serving as a case study; and (c) conclusions and recommendations.

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