A Study on Hell Painting Research in Japan: Its Development and Supporting Factors in Modern Japan

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Namsai Tantisuk


The concept of hell can be found in many countries, not only in manuscripts or through textual evidence, but also in art works such as paintings and prints. Those art works have been used as evidence by researchers in order to investigate the concept of hell or related subjects. This article’s objective is to study the development of hell painting research and the supporting factors in Japan after WWII (after the occupation) in order to investigate the trends, problems, and prospects of conducting research on the topic. However, the scope of this paper is limited to Japanese hell painting research in Japan. According to a survey for this study, research in this area has increased from the 1960s although there has been a lack of continuity. In the 1990s, the rise in the amount of the research and its variety of topics can be noticed significantly. After that, the research reached its peak in the 2010s. This development may have been supported by the changes in society, Buddhism in modern Japan, the trend of Japanese hell painting exhibitions, and studies on East Asian countries’ hell painting and exhibitions related to the subject in Japan. Though the research on Japanese hell painting in Japan has developed since the 1960s, many problems can be noticed, for instance, the lack of examples, especially regarding the paintings created after the latter part of the 16th century, and the need for background information to understand and analyze the works and their history more thoroughly.

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