Learning Management from Activities in Japanese Mathematics Book to Promote Analytical Thinking Skills of Prathomsuksa 6 Students by Open Approach Method

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Suchat Chaiwan


The purpose of this research was to; (1) Promote of an analysis thinking skills of Prathomsuksa 6 students (2) Study the students’ learning satisfaction with teaching and learning in Mathematics by using the Activities in Japanese mathematics textbooks. The population in this study are 30 students in Prathomsuksa 6 studying in Bankonglom school, in the B.E. 2559 (2016) academic year. This study was a descriptive research design. The method of the data analysis included the average and the standard deviation. The research instruments were the lesson plan, the teacher’s observation log, the thinking skills test, and the satisfaction test.

The results of the research are as follows: 1. the activities in the Japanese mathematics textbooks can promote Prathomsuksa 6 students’ critical thinking skills Discrimination: The first step is the posing open-ended problem by Teachers use questions to motivate students to solve problems. Classification: The second step is students’ self-learning by Students within the group discuss solutions from similar and similar approaches and bring them to a conclusion. Connection: The third step is the whole-class discussion and comparison by students’ link solutions to problems of similar groups. Summary and application aspects: The final is the summary through connecting students’ mathematical ideas emerged in the classroom by Teachers and students jointly outline solutions to problems, problems in that period, and other predictable approaches. 2. The students were very satisfied with mathematics learning activities used in the mathematics books. The use of teaching materials for activities was at the very good level. Secondly, the students’ participation in the group activities and the classroom atmosphere were at the good level.

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