Transition of Japanese Social Values Since World War II: A Generational Theory Approach

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Nareenoot Damrongchai


Since the surrender of Japan, which brought World War II to a close, and the subsequent occupation of Japan by the U.S., a myriad of changes in Japan’s economy, society, and culture have occurred. Accordingly, several researchers have attempted to explain these changes, particularly from historical and economic perspectives; however, few researchers have focused on the transformation of Japanese social values from the post-war period to the present. By gathering a range of primary and secondary sources (e.g., books, research papers, and newspapers), this paper aims to analyze the transition of Japanese social values based on generational theory. By separating the Japanese into five generations—the Yakeato generation, the Dankai generation, the Shinjinrui generation, the Dankai Junior generation, and the Satori (Yutori) generation—it was revealed that Japanese social values have been changing to conform to the Western democratic model, while conservatism, which has been a Japanese stereotype, has become less supported.

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