ผลของการออกกำลังกายด้วยการเล่นพื้นเมืองไทยที่มีต่อความฉลาดทางสติปัญญาในเด็กนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 4-6 Effect of exercise with Thai traditional plays on Intelligence quotient of the primary school grade 4-6

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ปริญญา ปทุมมณี


The purpose of this research was to study effect of exercise with Thai traditional plays on Intelligence Quotient of the primary school students grade 4-6. 30 students of Thungpo School Kuannonghong subdistrict Cha-uat district Nakhon si thammarat province were purposively selected to be the subjects in this study. The courses of exercise program were for 3 days per week. The total duration of training was 12 weeks. All subjects participated was tests: Intelligence Quotient test by coloured progressive matricts test. The subjects were tested at 3 different periods, i.e. before exercise, after 6 and after 12 weeks. The obtained data was analyzed in terms of means and standard deviations, One-way analysis of variance with repeated measures and  multiple comparison by Turkey - a were employed for statistical significant at the .01 level.

          The results were as follows

The comparison of the exercise program. All groups have means of Intelligence Quotient after12 weeks better than after 6 weeks and after 6 weeks better than before training better than before training was significantly at the .01 level.


Exercise with Thai traditional plays promotion Intelligence Quotient of the primary school students grade 4-6.


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