การศึกษาคุณลักษณะอันพึงประสงค์ของบัณฑิต สาขาการจัดการวัฒนธรรมสร้างสรรค์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช The Study of Desired Characteristics of Graduates from Creative Cultural Management Program, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University

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ขวัญตา หนูปล้อง
ดร.สุดาวรรณ์ มีบัว
ดร.ลัญจกร นิลกาญจน์


The purposes of this research were to 1) study desired characteristics of graduates from Creative Cultural Management Program, Nakhon Si ThammaratRajabhat University (NSTRU) in 6 aspects of Virtue and Morality, Knowledge and Academic Capability, Intellectual skills, Personnel skills and Responsibility, Numeral Analysis and Information and Communication Technology, and Unique Identities and 2) find ways to develop desired graduate characteristics. The research was qualitative and quantitative researches. Data was collected by using questionnaires and focus group discussion.

          The research findings of 6 desired graduate characteristics aspects collected from 4 groups of stakeholders: leaders and administrators, supporting local administrations, organizations/private sectors, and people who play leadership rolesin organizing cultural activities are as follows:

1) The overview opinion of graduate identity in each average level was at high.

2) For Knowledge and Academic Capability aspect, the issue with highest average was 4.47 and the standard deviation (SD) was .60.

3) For Numeral Analysis and Information and Communication Technology,      the issue with lowest average was 4.22 and SD was .65.

The research findings of focus group discussioncollected from stakeholders are as follows: For a group of developers who preserve Buddhism, rites, and local traditions, people who play leadership rolesin organizing cultural activities should have a part to play in planning projects, managing knowledge and contents, coordinating communities and people, and publicizing. However, cultural graduates who want to play leadership rolesin organizing cultural activities and lead organizations for practical purposes should be able to do knowledge management, have cultural leadership, coordinate and participate with communities, outside and inside organizations, collect and manage folk wisdom, local culture and tradition. Moreover, they should be the modern cultural developers who keep pace with up to date contents of database and information publicity. They should be able to create learning centers to makeaccessing information quickandeasy and be able to develop and apply primitive culture to harmonious technologies

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