การประเมินการเข้าถึงคอลเลกชั่นหนังสือพิมพ์เก่าฉบับดิจิทัลของหอสมุดแห่งชาติ ด้วยวิธีการสืบค้นจากหัวเรื่องและเนื้อหาฉบับเต็ม Evaluating the access of the National Library of Thailand’s digital historical newspaper collection using subject heading and full-text search methods

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งามเพ็ญ ยาวงษ์
ผู้ช่วยศาสตรจารย์ ดร.พิมพ์รำไพ เปรมสมิทธ์


This study was an Experimental research. The objective of this research was to develop a digital historical newspaper collection of the National Library of Thailand and evaluating the access of the National Library of Thailand’s digital historical newspaper collection using subject heading and full-text search methods, based on the recall, precision and search time. The structured include 1) a digital historical newspaper collection of the National Library of Thailand 2) a test for searching the collection and 3) an evaluation forms for the experts were used for data collection from 30 users of the National Library of Thailand, that know basic computer skills and can also read the digital historical newspaper via a computer.

The research results are as follows: searching for "rebellion in the kingdom of Thailand" using full-text search methods, the recall rate is 17.35 % and the precision rate is 69.38 % and using subject heading search methods, the recall rate is 36.69% and the precision rate is 72.70%. Searching for "World War 2" using full-text search methods, the recall rate is 22.48 % and the precision rate is 53.35 % and using subject heading search methods, the recall rate is 42.83% and the precision rate is 88.05%. And the search time for "Rebellion in the Kingdom of Thailand" using full-text heading search methods is 14.63 minutes and using subject search methods is 8.43 minutes. For "World War 1" using full-text heading search methods is 11.32 minutes and using subject search methods is 6.50 minutes.

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