คุณภาพชีวิตการทำงานของบุคลากรที่ส่งผลต่อความผูกพันของศูนย์ควบคุมการบิน ส่วนภูมิภาค บริษัท วิทยุการบินแห่งประเทศไทย จำกัด Quality of work life of Personnel of the Regional Aviation Control Center, Radio Thailand Co, Ltd. Affection Their Organization Commitment.

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มีนานินทร์ ชารัมย์
อธิพงษ์ เพชรสุทธิ์



                The purpose of this research wear to : 1) study the quality of life of the employees of the Regional Aviation Control Center, Radio Thailand Co., Ltd., 2) to study the level of personnel Commitment of the regional aviation control center; and 3) to study the relationship of quality of work life and  the  commitment of   Flight the control center.

                The  samples used in this study and from general information of the 457 respondents   the  indicated  used for   gathering of the  data is a five scales questionnaire and the respondents  and composed  of Deputy Directions of the Custer, general administrators  an department heads, to totaling 18.

                The first set of  variables are Those of socioeconomic  characteristics  composition of set, age, education level, present poste, length of service  place of work. Anther set of independent Variables  of quality of work life is  composed of fair and sufficient income / compensation, heal they working condition organization. for  capability development, progression and security cooperative working  between work life and news oral  ling and pride in  Organization.  With regards to dependent  relationship of   Organization  commitment , They compsise of Strong belief and willingness to arcert  goals and  values of the organization, Willingness to work hard for the Organization and desire to stay on as a member of the Organization. Statistics used in this  research are percentage, mean (X), Standard deviation and Multiple , Regressing  Analysis

                It was found the study thin  :  (1)  Mort of the respondents are wales, aged  31-40  years, a   degasser holders, haring  Assistant Manager posts, 5 years length of service and work of  the headmasters (2)  Recall level of  quality of work life was at a high level. Individually, it can be ranked   from the highest to the lowest by balance between work  life and  personal life and safe and healthy working environment respectively. 

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