Relationship Between Organizational Capability and Corporate Social Responsibility of Certified Green Industry in Thailand
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The purposes of this research were to study the organizational capabilities and corporate social responsibility of the green industry that has been certified in Thailand, and to study the relationship between the organizational capabilities and corporate social responsibility of the green industry has been certified in Thailand. It was a mixed research method. The key informants are 12 operational executives or persons responsible for the environment of factories certified green industry, with at least 5 years of environmental experience. A sample of 9 groups of food and agricultural industry entrepreneurs from the Ministry of Industry totaling 438 factories by random sampling. A non-probability theory-based sampling method was used. Plan a 3-step multistage sampling plan: selective sampling; Quota sample selection and convenience random sampling Research tools were in-depth interviews. The organizational capabilities and corporate social responsibility questionnaire had a reliability of 0.971. Statistics in data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the research revealed that 1) the environmental management approach of industrial plants requires cooperation between the public and private sectors in raising awareness of all stakeholders in the environment. encourage the introduction of environmental issues, 2) organizational capabilities had a medium positive correlation with corporate social responsibility in economic, legal, ethical and social contribution. There was statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
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