An Aging Society Development Reflection from Practice
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The objective of this PAR research aimed to improve the social security, prosperity, and sustainability of the elderly, drawing insights their definitions and the collaborative work method applied from 2017-2019. A total of 116 participants engaged in the process, which unfolded through five key milestones: (1) joint preparation and planning, (2) executive of PAR, (3) subsequent review and reflection, (4) compilation of reports, and (5) generation of new ideas. Qualitative methods were employed for data collection, with the principal researcher immersing herself in the community and serving as a facilitator for four years. The gathered data underwent analysis using content analysis techniques, and interpretations were further refined through the application of social research tools such as timelines, mind-maps, problem-trees, and SWOT analysis. The findings revealed that the development of social security for the elderly encompasses nine dimensions tied to social relationships, mental resilience, and health. Prosperity, in this context, predominantly denotes a life of sufficiency, communal sharing, and engagement in activities that contribute to income. Sustainability, on the other hand, is intricately connected to the passing down of local wisdom and the provision of support for vulnerable.
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