Development of STEM Education Curriculum Integrated Local Wisdom and the Royal Guidance on Education for Teachers of Border Patrol Police School in Middle South of Thailand
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This research aims to 1) study of the state of science learning management of border patrol police school teachers in the central southern region and 2) to develop an integrated STEM education curriculum with local wisdom and according to the royal policy in education. The research was carried out in 2 parts was a study of learning management in science subjects. The sample in this research were 5 science teachers obtained by randomly selected by using purposive sampling method. and development of a STEM education curriculum integrated with local wisdom and according to the royal policy on education. The instruments used in the study were : A questionnaire on needs and characteristics of STEM education curriculum integrated with local wisdom and according to the royal policy on education, A questionnaire on the state of learning management for STEM education in the central southern border patrol police school and a local wisdom information survey in the area of the southern border patrol police school in the middle of the south. Statistics in data analysis were mean, standard deviation
The results of this research indicated that : 1) requirements and characteristics of STEM education curriculum integrated with local wisdom and according to the educational policy at a high level ( = 4.02, S.D. = 0.61) 2) the state of learning management for STEM education in the middle southern border patrol police schools at a high level ( = 3.67, S.D. = 0.41) and 3) local knowledge data in the area of the border patrol police school in the central southern region are similar in all areas. and STEM education learning management curriculum integrated with local wisdom and according to the royal policy on education developed, there are 4 components: 1) curriculum aims 2) contents of the curriculum 3) application of the curriculum and 4) measurement and evaluation.
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