Promoting Informal Labor Saving Model in Accordance with Philosophy of the Sufficiency Economics in National Saving Fund: A Case Study of Bang Nom Kho Sub-District Sena District, Phra Nakorn Si Ayutthaya Province


  • Kamonwan Wanthanang Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University
  • Prapan Saengthongdee Faculty of Management Sciences, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University
  • Prakorn Rittiyard Bang Pa In Subdistrict Municipalit, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya


Saving, Informal Labor, Philosophy of the Sufficiency Economic, National Saving Fund


The research aimed to 1) to study the informal labor on the following topics: the financial status, saving behavior, the understanding of national saving fund and the understanding of philosophy of sufficiency economy 2) to study the factors affecting to informal labor saving to National Saving Fund and 3) to develop promoting informal labor saving model in accordance with philosophy of the sufficiency economic to National Saving Fund. The population of the quantitative research was informal labor in Bang Nom Kho Sub-district, Sena District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. The sample group were 400 samples picked according to quota sampling theory and a sample of 50 informal labor participating in the money saving encouragement project of informal labor in National Saving Fund according to sufficiency economic. Based on the qualitative research, the population was Sub-District headman, village headmen, the representatives of the local government and other government agencies.  The sample group were 30 samples picked according to purposive sampling theory. The research tools consisted of the questionnaire, questions during the group discussion, and form for project evaluation, quantitative analysis by calculating the percentage, average value and standard deviation, and logistic regression analysis, qualitative analysis by content analysis. The result found that 1) average monthly income of the informal labor was 12,962.50 baht and monthly expense was 7,725 baht. 3,565.50 baht of debt monthly payment were collected. The saving behavior of the workers was in the moderate level 2) average monthly income, monthly expense, debt monthly payment, and saving behavior showed the variation of informal labor saving to National Saving Fund at .05 significance level. And 3) based on promoting informal labor saving model in accordance with philosophy of the sufficiency economic in National Saving Fund was the saving encouragement project conducted for 50 informal labor in order to help them create their own financial planning. The evaluation of the project's outcome found that most of the participants wanted to save their money in the national saving fund.  The whole of the outcome of this proposed research was in the high level. According to the results of this research, sharing and applying the knowledge, the expense topic, income topic and saving topic could be highly utilized, respectively.


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How to Cite

Wanthanang, K., Saengthongdee, P., & Rittiyard, P. (2020). Promoting Informal Labor Saving Model in Accordance with Philosophy of the Sufficiency Economics in National Saving Fund: A Case Study of Bang Nom Kho Sub-District Sena District, Phra Nakorn Si Ayutthaya Province. Modern Management Journal, 18(2), 54–68. retrieved from



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