ปัจจัยทำนายการคลอดก่อนกำหนดของหญิงตั้งครรภ์วัยรุ่นที่โรงพยาบาลพระปกเกล้าจันทบุรี (FACTORS PREDICTING FOR PRETERM LABOUR OF TEENAGE PREGNANT WOMEN AT PRAPOKKLAO CHANTHABURI HOSPITAL)
Factors Predicting, Preterm Labour, Teenage Pregnant Women, ChanthaburiAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study factors influencing and develop predictive equation model for preterm labour of teenage pregnant women at Prapokklaol Chanthaburi hospital by using secondary data from the Prapokklao hospital in Chantaburi during October 2013 to September 2014. The sample are teenage pregnant women who maternal antenatal care age 14-19 years and birth at the Prapokklao hospital in Chantaburi.The sample are 199, analyze by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics ,Binary logistic regression at 0.05 significance level. The results showed that two main factors independent variables, maternal factors and complication factors can explained the variation of preterm labour of teenage pregnant women 27.00 percent. In addition, factors influencing for preterm labour of teenage pregnant women at 0.05 significant level there are 4 items, Include as occupation, residential area, number of antenatal visits and gynecological complications., internal medicine and impatient.
When controlling the variance of all variables. Teenage pregnant women who work in gardening and hiring is more preterm labor than who unemployed 0.108 times. Teenage pregnant women who live outside the municipality more preterm labor than teenage pregnant women living in the municipality 2.440 times. Teenage pregnant women with antenatal care increased one more time, the chances of preterm labour decreased 0.267 times. Teenage pregnant women with gynecological complications, internal medicine and impatient is more preterm labor than who gynecological complications, internal medicine and non-impatient 2.843 times.
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