การศึกษาสภาพการณ์ปัจจุบันของผู้สูงอายุด้านความสุขในยุคไทยแลนด์ 4.0 ในกลุ่มจังหวัดภาคกลางปริมณฑล A STUDY OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF HAPPINESS IN ELDERLY IN THAILAND 4.0 PERIOD IN THE CENTRAL PROVICES OF THAILAND
Happiness of the Elderly, Elderly Society, Thailand 4.0Abstract
This study aimed to: 1) study the current situation of happiness in elderly in the central provinces of Thailand; 2) analyze the components of happiness in elderly in Thailand 4.0 society in the central provinces of Thailand (Nonthaburi, PathumThani, Nakhon Pathom, and Samut Prakan Province). The data were collected during February - October 2019 from 384 elderly people selected by cluster random sampling. Mix methods technique was used to conduct quantitative and qualitative data. Five important dimensions, namely physical dimensions, emotional and psychological dimensions, social dimension, cultural and changes in Thailand 4.0 dimensions, and economic dimensions were studied. A questionnaire of current situation of happiness in elderly according to literary definitions was created and used. It was consisted of two sections and 45 questions with five-tier Likert rating scale. Four in-depth interviews issues were also used and evaluated by three experts. The questionnaire showed IOC values at 0.67, and 1.00, with Alpha coefficient 0.979. The collected data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and structural validity check by the Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA.
The result of the current situation of happiness in elderly in the central provinces of Thailand, in over all, was found at a high level. When each aspect was individually considered it was found that the most important dimensions were: 1) emotional and psychological dimensions 2) social dimension
3) physical dimensions 4) cultural and changes in Thailand 4.0 dimensions, and 5) economic dimensions respectively. The findings also revealed the most important factors, found at the highest level: 1) able to do daily activities by oneself, 2) able to do hobbies or favorite activities by yourself, 3) able to accept as the truth of life, such as, born, getting old, death, 4) can be happy from helping others, 5) being proud and feeling self-worth, 6) can accept changes and deterioration of the body, 7) relations with friends' society. The analysis of the components of happiness of the elderly in Thailand 4.0 society era was consisted of six components, which were: Group 1 related to dealing with physical and mental changes, Group 2 Social / community participation, Group 3 online social knowledge, Group 4 financial planning, Group 5 appropriate health care, and Group 6 religious and beliefs activities.
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