
  • Sirachuch Chomsiang Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University.
  • Apichoke Lekagul Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University.


Library, Restorative Environment, Attention Restoration Theory, Simulated Nature


This research study the effect of simulated nature as restorative environment according to the Attention Restoration Theory (ART) to help restore the mind from voluntary attention fatigue from reading in library reading areas. The research focuses on three types of reading areas, which are 1) general reading area; 2) group reading area; and 3) personal reading area. In each area, three levels of environmental condition are simulated; Level 1-original environment; Level 2-2D simulation of natural environment; and Level 3-3D simulation of natural environment to be displayed in the virtual desktop presentation. 120 volunteered participants evaluated each condition using the short version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) together with preference rating on questionnaire. The results from all the reading areas reveal that the averaged PRS scores for the 3D simulation of natural environments are significantly higher than those of the original environments and the 2D simulation of natural environments. The results confirm that the 3D simulation of natural environment can be implemented in the reading areas as restorative environment to restore the mind from reading fatigue.


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How to Cite

Chomsiang, S. ., & Lekagul, A. . (2021). APPLYING SIMULATED NATURE AS RESTORATIVE ENVIRONMENT FOR READING AREAS IN CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(25, January-June), 120–132. retrieved from