
  • Monsikarn Laovanich College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University.


Potential Development, Choirs, International Competition, Theory Development, Grounded Theory


The aim of this research was chiefly to formulate a grounded theory in order to find the pattern behind phenomenon emerging from the processes of developing the capabilities of Thai choirs to international standard. The phenomenon had affected three Thai choir Suanplu Chorus, Thai Youth Choir and Chulada Choir to achieve gold medals in every international music competition that they had entered. The research was conducted by in-depth interviews with conductors of those three choirs, a focus group discussion from 27 representatives of each choir, and a participative observation in order to cooperatively formulate and fine-tune the theory. The research revealed that the grounded theory in developing capabilities of Thai choirs was a complex procedure involving many parties including choir director, conductor, choir management team, and choir members. A guideline in developing Thai choirs consisted of: 1. setting explicit goals to participate in music competition 2. building confidences among members in the choir 3. effective studying of competition criteria by conductor and communicating the criteria to all members 4. designing a clear practice of rehearsal planning to achieve a maximum efficiency 5. developing competency of all singers by considering a personal vocal training both individual and ensemble technique in order to meet the established standard. In addition, other auxiliary factors were needed to support the choirs including 1) the factor related to funding to support all related activities and expenses of the choirs 2) the factor concerning the supports from family, friends, and work or other affiliations of the singers 3) the factor relating to the audience of the performance.


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How to Cite

Laovanich, M. . (2021). PROCESSES OF DEVELOPING THAI CHOIRS TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS : A GROUNDED THEORY. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(26, July-December), 90–104. retrieved from