
  • Ratchapan Choiejit Faculty of Economics, Srinakharinwirot University.
  • Ratiporn Teungfung Faculty of Social Development, National Institute of Development Administration.


Household Electricity Expense, Gender Difference


This study had two objectives which were to compare the household electricity expense and to find out the factors affecting the household electricity expense in case of the gender differences. Quantitative method was applied to this study combined with the secondary data from “2006, 2011 and 2017 Household Socio-economic Survey” complied by the National Statistic Office was adopted to this Study. Descriptive and Multiple Regression analysis were employed to analyses the differences and factors association to the household electricity expense. Monthly household electricity expense was the dependent variable and the independent variables were gender age groups and level of education of household head, and household characteristics which including number of family member household income number of room type of residences and number of appliances were taken into account. There were several econometric models to test in particular year of study. Results showed that the household with male household head had lower the electricity expense than those who had a female household head when other thing being equally. This means that the Thai Energy authorities should emphasized “Female” being a target group of the energy saving campaign to stimulating female behavior to reduce their electricity consumption.


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How to Cite

Choiejit, R. ., & Teungfung, R. . (2021). THE FACTORS AFFECTING HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICITY EXPENSE IN THAILAND A CASE STUDY OF GENDER ISSUE. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(26, July-December), 105–119. retrieved from