Covid-19, Behavioral Intention, Social Norm, Internal Locus of ControlAbstract
This quantitative research in terms of correlational study aimed at investigating the important predictors of health preventive behavior concerning Covid-19 in public (HBP). Samples were undergraduate students in junior and senior levels from 4 universities. In each university, students from two types of faculties, which were health relating faculty and non-health relating faculty with a total of 672 students using a multi-stage random sampling method. The measurement qualities of each questionnaire were tested and examined by a group of experts and statistical approaches. The reliability of each measure ranged between 0.713 and 0.847. The regression analysis revealed all 10 psychological and situational factors yielded predictive power of 50.70% in the total group with the important predictors, namely, internal locus of control concerning Covid-19 prevention, need for achievement concerning Covid-19 prevention, behavioral intention, perceived behavioral control, and an affective component. In addition, male students were the at-risk group of the HBP. They should be trained to be prepared for enhancing HBP. Creating curriculum or integrating content about behavioral intention, social norm, and internal locus of control concerning Covid-19 prevention in order to encourage this health preventive behavior in public.
BBC NEWS Thailand. (2020). Retrieved March 21, 2020, from
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