
  • Tanin Suteeprasert Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi.
  • Sopa Tangtekakul Suphanburi Public Health Office.
  • Supaporn Bunsiriluck Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi.
  • Payong Sricharern Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi.
  • Thanittha Thongnak Sirindhorn College of Public Health Suphanburi.


Suicide Rate, Suicidal Behaviors, Related Factors, Suphanburi Province


Suicide is a crucial mental health problem all over the world and the statistical trends towards the suicide rates have dramatically increased. In Thailand, Suphanburi province had held the high rate of suicide in almost every year, which the suicide rate was higher than the limit in the Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. This retrospective descriptive research aimed to examine the suicide rate and factors related to suicidal behaviors in Suphanburi. The sample consisted of 854 cases with committed suicides, which the data were obtained from the suicide surveillance report (report 506 DS) during 2014 - 2018. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics – number, percentage, rate, average, median, maximum and minimum. Research findings revealed that the number of suicides in Suphanburi had approximately 151 - 187 people per year during that period. The average suicide rate was categorized by age and gender. The result showed that female were more likely to attempt suicide than male. The average age group was 35.98 to 38.03 years (Min = 12, Max = 94). The majority of people who attempted suicide were married, employee or labor, and lived in the city area. The completed suicide rates were 2.71 - 4.24 per 100,000. Factors related to suicidal behaviors showed that male was more likely to completed suicide than female. Moreover, attempted suicide rates were 13.54 - 18.97 per 100,000, which female has a higher rate in attempted suicide than male. Most of the cases were first time self-harm or self-injury. In cases of the repetitive deliberate self-harm behavior were mostly found within two years after previous history of self-harm, and this may cause in long-term follow-up. Hanging had been the most common method of the completed suicides, while self-poisoning or drug overdoses were founded in people with attempted suicides. The main reasons for leading cause of death by suicide were chronic diseases, HIV/AIDS, disability, intimate partner violence, being hurt by blame, depression, and unhappy love affairs or chaotic sexual relationships. These main causes of suicide were similar to the attempted group, except chronic diseases, HIV/AIDS and disability. In addition, major physical health conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, mental disorder, paralysis, cerebrovascular disease, Poliomyelitis, HIV/AIDS and addictive substances, especially cigarettes/tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse were represented in both groups. Findings from this study suggest that the effective development of mental health and psychiatric service network in health areas is implementation according to the development plan for health service system and management, especially improvement in the process of reporting of suicidal behaviors in the suicide surveillance report (report 506 DS). The improvement suicide monitoring includes patient referral system, public awareness of suicidal behaviors and warning signs, and prevention of suicides, especially in the first year of self-harm, along with monitoring suicidal behavior continuously within 2 years. The promotion of pro-active activities and approaches in all age groups should emphasize improving the social relationships and the contribution of problem-solving management in mental health care.


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World Health Organization. (2000). Preventing sucide: A resource for general physicians. Department of Mental Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.

World Health Organization. (2019). Risk of countries by suicide rates. Retrieved from

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How to Cite

Suteeprasert, T., Tangtekakul, S., Bunsiriluck, S., Sricharern, P., & Thongnak, T. (2024). THE RATE OF SUICIDE AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH SUICIDAL BEHAVIORS: A CASE STUDY OF SUPHANBURI PROVINCE. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(31, January-June), 1–12, Article 272060. retrieved from