
  • Kanyakorn Chantarasakha Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture and Creative Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan.
  • Krid Wilaiolarn Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture and Creative Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan.


Behavior, The Elderly, Memorization-Helping Toys


This study aims to design toy products that sharpen consumers’ minds for elders. The data were collected by face-to-face interviews with informants which were elders. After that, the data were descriptively analyzed and the analysis could be categorized into major topics and minor topics. Elders’ data then would be synthesized to correspond with the design. Guidelines for the design came from using behavioral information about changes in elders’ memories along with a method for memory enhancement in 5 areas: computation, organizing, connecting imagination or mental visualization, and mnemonic coding for the design. This led to development of memory-enhancing toys for elders which focused on entertaining play that helped rehabilitate the use of their brains and stimulated their senses. In addition, the toys should be easy to use for the senior group in order to enhance memory in these following aspects: 1. sensory nervous system, 2. enthusiasm for learning, 3. brain stimulation skills, and 4. mental and emotional conditions for learning. Results from elders’ participating in using the toy prototypes found that elders had developments and adaptations in intelligence, cognition, memory, and perception. They were interested and wanted to participate in activities. The evaluation of the memory-enhancing toy products had overall sentiment in a high level (average = 4.47). When categorized into points, it was found that computation was in a high level (average = 4.27), organizing was in the highest level (average = 4.6), connection was in the highest level (average = 4.7), imagination was in a high level (average = 4.4), and mnemonic coding was in the highest level (average = 4.6). Each toy has influence on elders, not just for providing entertainment, but each type of toys has different roles and play styles. Moreover, these toys con be used to connect with people when participating in activities.


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How to Cite

Chantarasakha, K., & Wilaiolarn, K. (2024). MEMORIZATION-HELPING TOYS DESIGN PRODUCT FOR ELDERLY. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(31, January-June), 1–13, Article 272065. Retrieved from