
  • Chonticha Asavanirandorn College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University.
  • Chadatan Osatis College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University.


Productivity, Performance, Attitude, Aging, Service Sector, Private Sector


This study has two objectives. First is to study aging productivity in the service sector and second is to analyze the aging productivity in terms of demographic characteristics in the service sector of Thai private sector. By using a quantitative method and a questionnaire as a research tool, data were collected from the aging and their supervisors in 7 private companies. Most of them are in the service sector including retail, telecommunications, health care, as well as manufacturing. A number of 204 aging dataset which were able to match with their supervisors were analyzed. Productivity measurement is based on the supervisor rating, which assesses productivity from two factors; working performance and attitude. The results show that the supervisors have rated relatively higher satisfaction towards the aging’s working performance and also their attitudes, comparing to the younger colleagues in the same job positions. In terms of performance, approximate 56.9 percent of the aging have been better appraised than the younger colleagues. Nevertheless, in terms of working attitude, 68.1 percent of the aging have been much better appraised than their younger counterparts. This implies that aging productivity has a comparative advantage on their working attitude from the supervisors’ perspectives. In addition, this study incorporates demographic characteristics of the aging comprising gender, age, education, job position and skillset into analysis. The findings signify the specific skillsets which the aging hold the highest productivity, which may be the main factors of the companies’ decision to hire. The first and foremost skillset is high-level management skill and critical thinking skill which are important for job positions of manager or executive. The next skillset is communication and collaboration skill which are the core for job positions of coordinator or customer service. On the contrary, the aging is not outstanding at active learning and problem-solving skill. These skills are critical to job position required fast decision making and actively responding to the changing of customer behaviors. This is a disadvantage of the aging and may link to lower productivity of work.


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How to Cite

Asavanirandorn, C., & Osatis, C. (2024). AGING PRODUCTIVITY IN SERVICE SECTOR IN THAI PRIVATE SECTOR. Srinakharinwirot Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16(31, January-June), 1–15, Article 272068. retrieved from