Institutional Strategy Planning to Develop TheMarketability of The Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program Universities in Bangkok
Marketing strategy planning, Doctor of Philosophy degree program, universities in Bangkok areaArticle InfoReceived 5December2023Revised 19Decemberr 2023Accepted 19Decemberr 2023Available online 31December2023Abstract
The objectives of this research are 1. To study marketing mix factors that affect decision-making. Apply to study for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Master's degree program Universities in Bangkok and sustainable national development 2. To study the comparison of selection decisions. Apply to study for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Master's degree program Universities in Bangkok and sustainable national development, classified according to personal factors. It is a mixed method research (Mixed Methods)with research tools including questionnaires/interviews. With the population, New students studying at the graduate level in 2022 at Bangkok Thonburi University. Metharat University North Bangkok University Rattana Bundit University sample group The researcher does not know the exact population. Therefore, W.G. Cochran's formula for not knowing the population size was used, with a confidence level of 95 percent and an error level of 0.05, for a total of 385 people, and a purposive random sampling method was used. The group of information providers includes the management team and course instructors. The data collected from the questionnaire were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. Including the average Standard deflection and inferential statistics such as t-tests, F-tests, and regression analysis to analyze the content and then use the information gathered from documents/literature/interviews. The results of the research found that 1) the results of the analysis of the level of the factors The marketing mix, price side (x ̅= 4.38), followed by product side (x ̅= 4.36), affects decision making. Apply to study for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Master's degree program Most universities in Bangkok area 2) Occupation Average monthly income different ages There is a difference in deciding to apply to study in the Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy degree programs at universities in Bangkok, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
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