Development of a Psychological Capital Model for Administrators of Private Universities in Hunan Province, China


  • Bihui Du
  • Yanan Yang


Psychological Capital, Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Support, Organizational Justice, Organizational Climate, Intervention Training Program


People who work in educational institutions do experience stress, burnout and other negative experiences as result of taking on a large amount of work, whereby the crises and challenges faced by people in educational organizations are no less than those faced by people in industrial organizations. Psychological capital is regarded as an important concept that helps employees cope with their working environments and contributes to the success of the organization. This study is designed to explore the antecedents
and consequences of administrators’ psychological capital, and establish a relevant relationship model. The data of 303 valid questionnaire responses from online survey of administrators at private universities in Hunan, China, was analyzed utilizing structural equation modeling. Research findings demonstrated that organizational support, organizational justice, and organizational climate have positive correlation with psychological capital as antecedent variables, and psychological capital has positive association with its consequences such as organizational commitment, work engagement and job satisfaction. To improve psychological capital, an intervention training program was developed and applied towards 30 administrators at a private university of Hunan. The results of a semi-experimental research design revealed that the program significantly improved psychological capital (p = 0.003). The SEM model from the results and the effectiveness of training program for improving administrators’ psychological capital can supply administrators and policy makers in private universities, and researchers in this field with implications and recommendations. These insights provide valuable recommendations for enhancing administrators’ psychological capital through targeted interventions.

Author Biographies

Bihui Du

Stamford International University of Thailand

Yanan Yang

Stamford International University of Thailand


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