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พระครูวิจิตรศีลาจาร (ประสิทธิ์ กิติโกฬะ)


The objectives of this thesis were as follows : 1) to study the monk’s temple management in accordance with good governance, Hatyai district, Songkla province, 2) to compare the monk’s temple management in accordance with good governance, Hatyai district, Songkla province classified to different year, education religious level, education secular level, administration position, and, the experience administrate temple , and 3) to study the suggestions of problems and solutions concerning with the monk’s temple management in accordance with good governance, Hatyai district, Songkla province. Research instruments were questionnaires. The sampling had two groups were that the first group was the 236 monks in Hatyai district, Songkla province which were assigned size of group by Taro Yamane method and made simple random samplings. The second group was 5 Pra sanghadhikarns in Hatyai district, Songkla province. Statistics analy data by descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics used One-Way ANOVA test. In case of differentiation was found, it was tested in a pair by mean of Least – Significant Different and analyzed by computing. The results of research were found as follows: 1. The monk’s temple management in accordance with good governance, Hatyai district, Songkla province overall 4 parts were at more level. When considered each part found that the most average part was the public charity, Next parts were governing part and religious education charity. And the least average part was the propagation 2. The comparative results were found that monks, who had different year, education religious level, education secular level, administration position, and the experience administrate temple, have not different opinion toward the monk’s temple management in accordance with good governance, Nongkhae district, Saraburi province.

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How to Cite
(ประสิทธิ์ กิติโกฬะ) พ. (2019). MONK’S TEMPLE MANAGEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD GOVERNANCE, HATYAI DISTRCT, SONGKLA PROVINCE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 9(1), 71–80. Retrieved from
Research Article


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