The Development of Factors and Indicators of Social Responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University

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บุญส่ง ทองเอียง


This study were aimed to 1) development of factors and indicators of social responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University and 2) to check the consist of development of factors and indicators of social responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University with the empirical data. The samples was 385 people from the lecturers, monk students and students of Mahamakut Buddhist University. Tools used were the questionnaires and structural interviews. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum and statistic measuring a consistent with the empirical data by statistical package software. The results showed that: 1) the factors of social responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University included with 5 factors and 63 indicators that were factor of social responsibility, factor of general social communication and service, factor of buddhist social communication and service, factor of social educational equality and factor of reduce social adverse. 2) result of development of factors and indicators of social responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University was consistent with the empirical data and the result of qualitative data from interviews confirmed the factors and indicators of social responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University.

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How to Cite
ทองเอียง บ. (2015). The Development of Factors and Indicators of Social Responsibility in Mahamakut Buddhist University. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 6(1), 55–68. Retrieved from
Research Article


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