The Role of Chief Abbots in Promoting and Encouraging Self Function According to Morality in the Area of Sakhon Nakhon Province

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พระครู สิริธรรมนิเทศ


The objectives of this research were as follows : 1) to study the role of chief abbots in promoting and encouraging self function according to morality in the area of Sakhon Nakhon province 2) to compare personal factors of the role of chief abbots in promoting and encouraging self function according to morality in the area of Sakhon Nakhon province and 3) to study the suggestions and solution concerning the role of chief abbots in promoting and encouraging self function according to morality in the area of Sakhon Nakhon province. Research instruments were questionnaires. The sample groups were 232 of the chief abbots sized by Krejcie and Morgan’s finished table and used Simple Random Sampling. Research instrument were questionnaires tested by the coefficieton collecting data. The used statistics were descriptive statistics; frequency, percentage, x, standard deviation and inferential statistics : t-test and One Way ANOVA test. If differentiation was found, it was tested in a pair by mean of Scheffe and analyzed by computing. The results of research were found as follows : 1. The chief abbots had the role of promotion and encouragement according to morality in the whole view of the 5 aspects of the medium average. Having been considered each aspect; the aspect of propagation was at the low average. The aspects of welfare education, good citizens, popularity indoctrination and social awareness were at the medium average. 2) The results of the hypothesis test were found that the chief abbots with different personal factors and difference of the role of promotion of ethical practices in the whole view of the 5 aspects in the statistic significant average 0.05 3) The chief abbots had suggested some problems and solution concerning the role of chief abbots having promotion of ethic practices: 1) the aspect of propagation; there were no media and equipment of propagation. Therefore, the monks should promote and support more media and equipment 2) the aspect of welfare education; the local authorities did not promote fund and did not support the youth in the education loan. Therefore, the local authority should promote and support the scholarship fund for young people in education loans 3) the aspect of good citizens; there was a lack of campaign or activities against bad thing to let the community know pros and cons. Therefore, the community should participate in activities to develop quality of life by following principles 4) the aspect of popularity indoctrination; there was no good model for the children to follow and appreciate the value of the Thai. Therefore, they should follow the role of ethical practice; gratitude, responsibility, discipline and integrity. 5) the aspect of social awareness; Buddhist monks in Thai society were not sufficient. So; the monks should be aware of the social role and the government or agencies involved should be fully supported.

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How to Cite
สิริธรรมนิเทศ พ. (2013). The Role of Chief Abbots in Promoting and Encouraging Self Function According to Morality in the Area of Sakhon Nakhon Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 4(2), 39–50. Retrieved from
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