Development of Non-Formal Education Activities Based on The Four Noble Truths Principle to enhance life skills for living together of Male Inmates in Chiangmai Central Prison

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พระดำรงค์ เบญจคีรี


This research article was to propose the Non-Formal Education activities, having the purposes to create and test an application of Non-Formal Education activities in accordance with the Four Noble Truths principle to enhance life skills for living together in society of the male inmates in the Chiangmai Central Prison. This study applied qualitative and the semi-trial methodologies and recruited by random sampling through ticket drawing. There were a group of volunteers participating in the activities in the Chiangmai Central Prison during the course of 11 days totalling 116 hours ,and assessing the pre-test and after test with t-test at the statistical significance at 0.05. The major findings were found that there were a significant improvement of life skills in five fields at the statistical significance at 0.05 and male inmates had high satisfaction in all activities and self – assessment revealed that the majority of male inmates had practiced a variety of daily activities in which the test had gained the format of activities in accordance with the Four Noble Truths. Besides, the male inmates had suggested that these activities should be applied and made known to the inmates in the other places.

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เบญจคีรี พ. (2011). Development of Non-Formal Education Activities Based on The Four Noble Truths Principle to enhance life skills for living together of Male Inmates in Chiangmai Central Prison. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2(1), 11–22. Retrieved from
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