The Buddhadhamma Application of Mahamakut Buddhist University Students

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พระ มงคลธรรมวิธาน


This research study has purposes; (1) to study the Individual factor, Iddhipada 4 factor, Gharavasa-dhamma 4 factor, and Brahma-vihara factor of students at Mahamakut Buddhist University. (2) the research study aims at examining the factors relating to the application of Buddhist moral principles of students at Mahamakut Buddhist University. Stratified Random Sampling was employed in sampling population. Population of the current study was 101 students at Mahamakut Buddhist University. Questionairs were used as a research instrument. Statistics used for data analysis were Percentage (%), Mean (gif.latex?\bar{x} ), Standard Deviation (S.D.) and Chi-square. The findings revealed as follows : 1. Senior students at Mahamakut Buddhist University who attended the Vipassana Meditation practical section program were able to apply the Buddhist moral principles to the program at moderate level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.44). Additionally, when analyzing the data based on each aspect, the results presented that Iddhipada 4 aspect was rated at moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.27), Gharavasa-dhamma 4 aspect was rated at high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.61), Brahma-vihara aspect was rated at high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.75), and the dharma practice aspect was rated at moderate level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.34). 2. Senior students at Mahamakut Buddhist University who attended the Vipassana Meditation practical section program, whose varied in a status, would not have a relationship with the application of Buddhist moral principles. 3. Senior students at Mahamakut Buddhist University who attended the Vipassana Meditation practical section program, whose varied in age, would not have a relationship with the application of Buddhist moral principles. 5. Senior students at Mahamakut Buddhist University who attended the Vipassana Meditation practical section program, whose varied in the faculty studied in, have a relationship with the application of Buddhist moral principles.

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How to Cite
มงคลธรรมวิธาน พ. (2017). The Buddhadhamma Application of Mahamakut Buddhist University Students. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 8(2), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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