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พระครูปลัดธีระชัย อชิโต


Research Style Buddhist learning in the 21st century aims. To study Buddhist learning and skills of knowledge in the 21st century is to develop skills in the 21st century with the principles of Buddhist learning. The present form of Buddhist learning in the 21st century. The study of Buddhist learning and skills of knowledge in the 21st century must be based on objective, conscientious and behavioral objectives. Focus on learning methods Self-discovery Self-assessment and improvement of practices that result perpetuity. A good friend who is a teacher guidance. Helped create an atmosphere of academic and environmental aesthetics. The process that senses the six pillars of human learning is the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, experience and relationships to what we are elemental to know is feeling, perception, cognition, knowledge and action, interactive training manual. or the goodwill manifested by results Knowledge and good Acquisition of knowledge in the 21st century with the principles of Buddhist learning. Management perception sense and 6 as learning management along Buddhism through the entire third is behavior, physical and verbal (commandment) training habits of mind to calm things any distractions (concentration) development. the idea was to have a good attitude along the lines of the enlightened. Knowingly present to face the problem may not fear (IP), which is the process of learning by Buddhist six-step model based learning Buddhism in the 21st century include learning through the process of learning. both internal and external sense with 6 steps reinforced by learning skills follow the model LS 3R x 7C model.

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How to Cite
อชิโต พ. (2017). MODEL BUDDHIST LEARNING IN THE 21st CENTURY. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 8(2), 70–80. Retrieved from
Research Article


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