The restoration of the environment to promote tourism of Sralongrua village community, Sralongrua Sub-District, Huaykrajoa District, Kanchanaburi Province

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วสิฐพัชร์ วาฤทธิ์


This research 1. The objective of the research was to study and how to restore the environment to promote tourism, community pool, boat house. Huai jute 2. To analyze Jua cold Kanchanaburi Synthetic Factors to restore the environment to promote tourism in the community pool, boat 3. To seek a form of cultural tourism for the restoration of the environment to promote tourism, community pool, boat house. This research is qualitative research. How to collect field data from selected areas of research. Before the field survey and planning before the operation. The selected groups / users to important information. And techniques for data collection Research in the field include. Depth interview individually. In-depth interviews, group Observation environment Observation without participation And study the life history The results of the analysis are presented with a descriptive summary of the issues below. A summary of findings (Fact finding) that the village has a boat home environment / community forest Prong Dindan drought with sugarcane plantations, cassava, peanuts quite barren. The dry season is the lack of water District Council to help a boat. The living conditions The average income of 35,000 baht per year to careers in the community is part of the group that made the chili is a mainstay in the introduction. Is a community enterprise The importance of community There is a boat built in the Ayutthaya period will last 400-450 years the site of a swan boat models in the world. Pagoda old late Ayutthaya Chaplain Black was sitting in front of Wat Kaew temple pond in the boat. Luang Pho temple activities in the community pool down the village where subsistence is traditional. A traditional Buddhist culture And traditional ways of living, which later became community events such as the closing ceremony of royal gold and black. Which meets every four mid-year and community enterprises such as chili is a tradition unique culture of the community itself. Today, the overall community to help take care of them and maintain traditional cultures, such as the worship pastor pray black. Park created the heaven and hell statue of Buddha measuring 101 meters high, which caused the change. The idea of the community on the doctrine of Hell. The faith and understanding of Buddhism better. Community is to promote cultural tourism can foster a positive attitude towards life. And a promotional tour of Wat boat. Which caused revenue to the community. But everything still maintain traditional cultures, as well as before it. Another principle is that communities are adopting the middle path solitude occupation moral precepts five fairly secular moral virtues. Used to live People in the community pool, the boat has the seclusion. Economical life Honestly career Satisfied with what they Pleased with what they have It is like a brother Complementing each other

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How to Cite
วาฤทธิ์ ว. (2016). The restoration of the environment to promote tourism of Sralongrua village community, Sralongrua Sub-District, Huaykrajoa District, Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(2), 72–85. Retrieved from
Research Article


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