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อัครเดช ยมภักดี


This research aimed (1) to study the administration condition used by the Result Based Management Model for Basic Education Institutions of compulsory education in The Office of the Basic Education Commission and (2) to develop the Result Based Management Model for compulsory education in The Office of the Basic Education Commission. The sample consisted of 364 samples. They came from a stratification random sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficients was equal to 0.98 and the content validity of IOC was equal to 1. The results showed that: (1) The administration condition that used The Result Based Management Model for Basic Education Institution of compulsory education in The Office of the Basic Education Commission consisted of seven conditions: (1) the designation of the analysis, vision and mission, (2) the designation of the main determining factor of success and indicators of operating, (3) the designation of the target, (4) the designation of the source and data collection, (5) The designation of planning and implementation of the strategic plan, (6) the designation of analysis and evaluation, (7) the designation of the review and achievement report. Educational Institution administrators have the level of compulsory education in both overview level ( =4.37) and conditions. (2) Result Based Management Model for The Basic Education Institution of compulsory education in The Office of the Basic Education Commission that the researcher developed included the designation of the analysis, vision and mission, the designation of the main determining factors of success and indicators of operating, the designation of the target, the designation of the source and data collection, the designation of planning and implementation of the strategic plan, the designation of analysis and evaluation, and the designation of the review and achievement report. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the level of harmony between models with empirical data on the Chi - Square at 10.29 (p = 0.327). The degree of freedom 9 index level of harmony (GFI) was 0.99. The harmonized index (GFI) was 0.99. The index measured the proper fit and adjusted (AGFI) index of 0.97. The index square root of the mean deviation estimated. (RMSEA) was 0.021. It is concluded that the model to measure the components of the confirmed Result Based Management Model for Basic Education Institution of compulsory education (RBM) was consistent with empirical data.

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How to Cite
ยมภักดี อ. (2016). RESULT BASED MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR BASIC EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THE OFFICE OF THE BASIC EDUCATION COMMISION AKARADECH YOMPAKDEE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(2), 128–141. Retrieved from
Research Article


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