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ณฐภัทร ถิรารางค์กูล


The purposes of this study were: 1) To compare the degree of the political participation between the People and Administration of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Suratthani province 2) To study the factors affecting political participation of the People and Administration of Sub-district Administrative Organizations 3) To study the obstacles of the political participation of the People and Administration of Sub-district Administrative Organizations. The study utilized both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Samplings are the people who are the head of family live in Suratthani province. A questionnaire was undertaking 880 of sampling who were from 6 districts and 44 sub-district administrative organizations as a quantitative research method. A qualitative research draws upon in-depth interview by using structure interview with 10 samplings. Statistical methods which are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test and Correlation Analysis (Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient) are used for statistical analysis. The study found that: 1) the average degree of the political participation of the people and administration of sub-district administrative organization in Suratthani province were high participation and moderate participation respectively. The comparison of political participation of the people in overall and each individual diversified side which classified into gender education occupation and income revealed that the background variables about business and societies were different. The participation in politics for overall and each individual sides, the participation in election and the suggestion other people to the election were different. 2) The factors affecting political participation of the people were responsibility in societies, absorbing of information, good relationship with friends and the participation in local groups. On another hand, the factors affecting political participation of the administration of sub-district administrative organizations were relationship with friends and the participation in local groups. The factors that were not affected to the participation in administration of sub-district administrative organization were responsibility in societies and self- confidence variable. 3) the obstacles and problems of political participation of the people and administration of sub-district administrative organizations were that the most of people lacked enthusiasm and were not interested in politics, looking at the politics was being boring and did not want to participate in politics; in the meantime, those of the participation in administration of sub-district administrative organization were that people had no time, the member of sub-district administrative organization had no transparency and consisted of corruption, the people believed that they were powerless and political activities were not their duties.

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How to Cite
ถิรารางค์กูล ณ. (2016). FACTORS AFFECTING POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF THE PEOPLE AND ADMINISTRATION OF SUBDISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONS IN SURATHANI PROVINCE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(1), 61–69. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/yri/article/view/184969
Research Article


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