Good Governance Principles in the Context of Relationship between Civil Politics and Local Administrative Organizations in Ratchaburi Province

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ปราณีต ม่วงนวล


หลักธรรมาภิบาลThe aims of this research were 1) to study the implementation of good governance principles 2) to study the level of public participation in political activities 3) to compare the implementation of good governance principles on basis of organization types and sizes 4) to compare the implementation of good governance principles on basis of personal factors 5) to study the context of relationship between good governance for working of local administrative organizations in Ratchaburi Province and civil politics 6) to study the problems and obstacles in the implementation of good governance principles and 7) to study the approach to promotion of civil politics’ participation in good governance implementation of local administrative organizations in Ratchaburi Province. This research applied mixed-method research design, which involved quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample included 440 residents within ten districts under the responsibility of twenty-six local administrative organizations in Ratchaburi Province obtained through Yamane’s determining sample size. The target group included fifty-two individuals: two executives of local administrative organizations, one political government officer, and one general governance officer. The findings revealed as follows: 1) The implementation of ten good governance principles by local administrative organizations in Ratchaburi Province was reported to be at the high level 2) the public participation in political activities was found at the moderate level in three aspects 3) the implementation of good governance principles on basis of organization types, sizes, and personal factors was different at significance level .05 4) the connective aspect between the good governance principles applied in local administrative organizations and the civil politics from statistical data significantly related at .05 of the 2 aspects : the responsiveness and the rule of law. 5) the problems and obstacles in the implementation of good governance principles included the followings: the limitations of supervisors and sub-ordinates, and budget; low public cooperation; and the auditing results from Office of the Auditor General of Thailand and 6) the approach to promotion of civil politics’ participation in good governance implementation of local administrative organizations in three aspects after priority referred to civil political pattern, auditing and election

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How to Cite
ม่วงนวล ป. (2016). Good Governance Principles in the Context of Relationship between Civil Politics and Local Administrative Organizations in Ratchaburi Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(1), 79–92. Retrieved from
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