Development Model for of Bangkok Temples to be The Arts and Cultural learning Centers

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พระครูขันติวโรภาส (ขาว ขนฺติโก)


The research objective of this study is as follows: 1. to study a learning culture 2. to study the development model of the temple in Bangkok as a learning culture and 3. The proposed development model temple in Bangkok. provide a learning culture. This research is research combines both quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative survey of 400 monks and the public image / and qualitative interviews and focus groups, and representatives of a number of different forms 8 / person. The research found that 1. Development model is a learning culture at a high level. And in many aspects, including the suitability and correctness of painting, sculpture, architecture and traditions. 2.The development was a learning culture are two forms: 1) the development model to measure learning the history and culture includes four aspects: (1) the painting (2) contains (3) architecture and (4) traditions. 2) The model developed to measure learning Buddhist. As a measure to a different ministry. Whether it's prayer light waving rite Lent ordination Enkkam Times Novice ordination Summer Meditation practice The second is the development model through discussion groups. The participants agreed to form a high level. And through discussion and comments from the public, including novices and experts were of the opinion that a reasonable level. 3. Development model is a learning culture. The proposed model is found. The model developed to measure learning culture must be created or developed by the core. A week prior to the development of their local knowledge to use as a tool to pull people into the temple. Or may be used to develop a culture and history of the monastery is outstanding. Appended to the development of Buddhism.

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(ขาว ขนฺติโก) พ. (2016). Development Model for of Bangkok Temples to be The Arts and Cultural learning Centers. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(1), 118–127. Retrieved from
Research Article


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