The Curriculum evaluation of the Bachelor of Education Degree in Teaching English, the Faculty of Education, Mahamakut Buddhist University : Lanna Campus

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ธีรศักดิ์ แสนวังทอง


The purpose of this research article was to evaluate the curriculum of the Bachelor of Education, Mahamakut Buddhist University : Lanna Campus. The samples were students, curriculum lecturers and instructors, using the purposive sampling. This evaluative research was based on the CIPP Model of Daniel L. Stufflebeam using both quantitative method and qualitative method. The tools used to collect the data were questionnaires and interview schedules. The research results were found that all 4 aspects were at the highest level. In each aspect, the product was in the highest level and the context was at the lowest level. The suggestions were as follow : all credits in the curriculum should be decreased, the lecturers should be increased in order to be sufficient with the amount of students, the Campus committee should find and set the budget to build new buildings and classrooms, supporting the technology used in teaching, the curriculum lecturers should improve the curriculum in order to encourage the students

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How to Cite
แสนวังทอง ธ. (2019). The Curriculum evaluation of the Bachelor of Education Degree in Teaching English, the Faculty of Education, Mahamakut Buddhist University : Lanna Campus. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 7(1), 128–134. Retrieved from
Research Article


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