Competency Development of District Administrative Monks in Sanghã Administrative Region 8

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พระราชเมธี (วิชา อภิปญฺโญ)


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the performance competency of district administrative monks in the Sanghã Administrative Region 8, 2) to improve the performance competency of district administrative monks in the Sanghã Administrative Region 8, and 3) to propose ways to improve the performance competency of district administrative monks in the Sanghã Administrative Region 8. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The qualitative research method was used in data collecting from documents, interview with 12 key-informants and focus group discussion with 6 key-informants. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The quantitative research method was used in collecting the data from 75 district administrative monks through questionnaires. The data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The results of the study found that: 1. The performance competency of district administrative monks in the Sanghã Administrative Region 8 was in the satisfying level. There were some aspects that should be improved as follows: 1) In administration; some of the district administrative monks lacked of knowledge in Sanghã administration system and the administration based on modern science, 2) In propagation, some of them propagated in the passive performance and lacked of knowledge and skills in propagation through media, and 3) In public assistance, some of them lacked of knowledge in temple infrastructure planning, temple administration plan setting, renovation of temple buildings, architecture, ancient objects, and temple property and assess management. 2. There were six element components in improving the performance competency of district administrative monks in the Sanghã Administrative Region 8; 1. Principle, 2. Target, 3. Objective, 4. Preparation, 5. Process, and 6. Evaluation. The development progress in the training of the performance competency of district administrative monks had six areas: 1) administration, 2) religious study, 3) educational welfare, 4) propagation, 5) public welfare, and 6) public assistance. All the six areas of competency development consisted of knowledge in competency and development including study, lectures, workshops, group discussions, brainstorming and field-trip study. 3. Overall, the performance competency of district administrative monks in the Sangha Administrative Region 8 was at a high level. In details, the component 1, 2, 3 and 5 was at the highest appropriate level, and component 4 and 6 was at a high appropriate level.

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(วิชา อภิปญฺโญ) พ. (2017). Competency Development of District Administrative Monks in Sanghã Administrative Region 8. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 8(1), 10–20. Retrieved from
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