Innovations and Website Constrution for Harmont Reconciliation Thai People in Border Province Eastern Regions

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เกษสุนีย์ บํารุงจิตต์


This research was aimed 1) to study the trouble condition of conflict of the people of Thailand In the east border provinces, 2) to find a way to create a harmony reconciliation, to creating the innovation and the website, and trying out the use of innovation, the website and the activities, and the use of innovation and the website, as well as to create media guiding to teach a good model and the media learning about the history of Thailand for the students of provinces in the east. It is the mixed methods: quantitative and qualitative researches by using the research tools as questionnaires, in-depth interviews, satisfaction form. These research tools were monitored by experts. There were also created innovations and website. The data from the research tools were tried out to create the harmony reconciliation with teachers and border polices. Along with the creating the standardized and effective user manual, innovation and website. The data were analyzed with program computer. The qualitative data were analyzed with the content analysis and descriptive presentation. Research findings were revealed that that the problem of conflict is from the politics with the expansion into different regions and expanding to conflict within the family. The from the data, there are 2 approaches to create reconciliation: (1) application of the importance of family originated from the ancestors, customs, cultures, and (2) application of the Royal Institutions from Sukhothai period up to the present period who traveled to every part of Thailand for the purpose of eliminating the suffering and supporting the happiness of his subjects. He had run the royal projects over 4,000 projects. Honoring the royal projects are showed to all over the nation for the purpose of decreasing the levels of conflict among Thai people: forgiving each other, forgetting the past suffers, turning to talking, consulting, unity and helping each other like our ancestors who had unity and lived under the rule of good kings. Media and website were made concerning the kings and Thai ancestors and running the activities related to the media and website were carried out with students at schools in southern border provinces as the pilot study. From the study of satisfaction, students were happy in learning Thai history and ancestors. This can be effectively created a harmony reconciliation among children and youths, as well as, the media and websites that were created will be used to create a harmony reconciliation of Thai people effectively

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How to Cite
บํารุงจิตต์ เ. (2017). Innovations and Website Constrution for Harmont Reconciliation Thai People in Border Province Eastern Regions. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 8(1), 156–163. Retrieved from
Research Article


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