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สมบัติ เดชบำรุง


The objectives of this research were to study 1) A study knowledge level of senior basic unit leader training course of Bangkokthonburi University 2) A study skill level of senior basic unit leader training course of Bangkokthonburi University 3) practical guideline knowledge and skill for senior basic unit leader training course of Bangkokthonburi University. The samples of this research were 113 undergraduate students in the third year, majoring in early childhood program at Faculty of Education in Bangkokthonburi University, who passed training attendance. The respondents also included with interview of 7 expertises. The instrument was a questionnaire based on senior basic unit leader training. The data collection has been carried out by the researcher as well as the data analysis was performed by the computer program package. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The findings of the research revealed that:- 1) The knowledge level of senior basic unit leader training course of Bangkokthonburi University was at high level as a whole. When considering with individual aspect, it was found that planning of training course was at the highest level while the curriculum and special subject was at respective level, , and Administration scout group was at the lowest level. 2) The skill level of senior basic unit leader training course of Bangkokthonburi University was at high level as a whole. When considering with individual aspect, it was found that scout displine and formation was at the highest level while scout trop meeting was at respective level, and scout formality was at the lowest level. 3) The practical guideline knowledge and skill for senior basic unit leader training course of Bangkokthonburi University revealed as follows; (1) Student should learn the scout knowledge on weekly basis. (2) Practice in scouting should be performed partially in the university site. (3) Student in both knowledge course and practice course should wear formal uniform. (4) Measurement and evaluation in knowledge course and practice course should be implemented. (5) Student should have passed training course in the scout camp for official certification.

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How to Cite
เดชบำรุง ส. (2019). SENIOR BASIC UNIT LEADER TRAINING COURSE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 10(1), 197–209. Retrieved from
Research Article


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