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พีระพงศ์ สุจริตพันธ์


This research aimed to study: 1) a political context that effect the political communication via shadow play in South of Thailand during political crisis between 2548 – 2558 B.E. 2) a process of political communication of shadow play in South of Thailand which include of patterns, contents, and methods during political crisis between 2548 – 2558 B.E. To study a process of political communication of shadow play in South of Thailand to Thai as receivers while the shadow play as communicator during political crisis between 2548 – 2558 B.E. This was a qualitative research using in depth interview and documentary analysis. The key informants were 8 shadow play performers and audiences. The findings revealed that the political context effected the communication of shadow play performers to the audiences. The shadow play performers tailored the narrative to suited to the context and situation of politics in order to entertain and educated the audiences about political issues. These findings consistent with Berlo’s Model that emphasized the role of shadow play performer as communicator of politics information towards the audience by using various approaches, which are live show, electronics devices and online website. The local dialect was used to ensure the understanding between performers and audiences. The communication skills, attitude, knowledge and culture were the keys factors of effective communication process. This study shed the light that shadow play performer is the effective tool to nurture political knowledge among local people. The political attitude of shadow play performers influence the political attitude of audiences. Shadow play a folk media as a tool instruct political efficiently. And shadow play in south is a folk media. That can’t continue to exist without the audience is a new generation.

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How to Cite
สุจริตพันธ์ พ. (2019). THE POLITICAL COMMUNICATION VIA SHADOW PLAY IN SOUTH OF THAILAND : DURING POLITICAL CRISIS BETWEEN 2548 – 2558 B.E. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 10(2), 274–287. Retrieved from
Research Article


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