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พนิดา พานิชวัฒนะ


Equating is a statistical procedure that transforms scores on scale of a test to scale of another test in order to compare score between the tests correctly. The two main categories of equating methods are classical equating methods and item response theory equating methods. The two method are continually developed in theoretical aspect and applied with real testing and simulation data. When considering the item response theory equating methods that are wildly used, Unidimensional IRT equating methods (UIRT equating methods) were developed at the beginning to transform score between tests measuring one attribute. Efficiency of UIRT equating methods depends on concordance with assumptions of UIRT theory. Later, multidimensional tests were developed and wildly applied, scholars developed multidimensional IRT equating procedures (MIRT Equating Procedures) that conform to the structure of tests measuring multi-attribute. Moreover, the procedures were used in research and applied real testing and simulation data for dichotomous and polytomous items including mixed-format tests

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พานิชวัฒนะ พ. (2019). CONCEPT AND APPLICATION OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL IRT EQUATING PROCEDURE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 10(2), 318–329. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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