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Phramaha Paitoon Pantanando (Wannabud)


                Depression is caused by many factors i.e. physical, mental and emotional, social condition, stress, disappointment and separation from beloved. Depression can occur to people of all ages and both male and female. It is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Most of them occur in developed societies more than underdeveloped societies. It causes loss in terms of work performance, mental health, quality of life, and medical expenses. It is also the cause of suicide. The depression in the Buddhist viewpoint can happen to some people who intend to do good deed or want to practice virtue but that determination cannot be achieved because there are obstacles making people abandon good deeds even though that event has not ended and discouraged. The method of treatment for depression is the application of Vipassana practice in daily life, causing people with depression be aware to have consciousness with caution and without losing consciousness, and to be aware of everything, let go of the phantoms, not be obsessed with the emotional state that makes the mind wretched, chasing away all anxiety, grief and depression.

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How to Cite
(Wannabud), P. P. P. . (2020). TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSION WITH THE APPLICATION OF VIPASSANA MEDITATION PRACTICE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 11(2), 99–110. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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