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Karuna Mathulaprangsan


Conflict or discord among individuals, groups, organizations or institutions is a tool for changing society. It also brings about stress, unrest and mistrust. There are decision factors, perceptions, and different interests and values. Failure to accept the reality that the divide of views, ideas and regional needs is a major obstacle to finding a country solution. Conflict In every society cannot be avoided. Social conflicts are common. Only conflicts can be resolved within the framework of existing mechanisms. That society can continue as long as the conflict is in proportion not to be widespread, so that they could not find a method or mechanism to end the conflict. That society can continue and it can be considered that society is still living in harmony. But when the conflict reaches a point that cannot be resolved, social choices will be limited. Trying to resolve conflicts will be through peaceful means, negotiation or mediation. When resolving conflicts is through force or violence, the result is one side winning and the other party is defeated. The winner will establish a new political rule. If that is the case where it is impossible to overcome, it may even split into two or three of a new community or political unit.

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How to Cite
Mathulaprangsan, K. . (2021). THE FACTORS AND CONDITIONS OF CONFLICT IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 12(1), 120–130. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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