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Sutidarat Mattavarat
Chayaporn Salingkantaweekul


     The objectives of this research were to study the community identity that affects the success of cultural tourism, and the participatory management of leaders and community members who take responsibility for sustainable cultural tourism. The dataset has been collected by in-depth interviews with 38 persons of leaders, community members and tourists. The results showed that the traditional identity of a community has a direct positive effect on cultural tourism, especially having national laws to protect.  All leaders and community members participate in management according to roles and responsibilities, respect for privacy, freedom, simplicity under the belief of artistic aesthetics, local culture, simple way of living and not aiming for profit thus leading to sustainable success in community tourism management. In order to promote sustainable cultural tourism, consideration must be given to the participation and responsibility of the leaders and members of the community and the understanding and protection of communities that exercise the legal power of the government. Therefore, it can be concluded that sustainable success in cultural tourism, management must create interactions between members of the community under acceptance, participation, and benefit. The visitors learn to understand and accept the roots of the community.

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How to Cite
Mattavarat, S. ., & Salingkantaweekul, C. . (2021). SUSTAINABLE CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT BASED ON COMMUNITY: A CASE STUDY KUMPANGTHONGPATTANA COMMUNITY, PHASICHAROEN DISRICT, BANGKOK. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 12(2), 106–116. Retrieved from
Research Article


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